The Power of Self Compassion

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, self-compassion has emerged as an essential tool for navigating the difficulties of life. While the notion of being gentle and kind to ourselves may seem counterintuitive or even selfish to some, the benefits of self-compassion are far-reaching and transformative. By fostering a caring and understanding attitude towards oneself, we…

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Healing Generational Trauma

Families have unique generational dynamics shaped by the experiences, beliefs, and traumas passed down from one generation to the next. According to Counseling Today, “Trauma does not have to be experienced at a community level to affect later generations”. While a family’s history can be beautiful and enriching, it can also perpetuate harmful patterns that…

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What’s an Attachment Style?

Attachment theory, popularized by psychologists Amir Levine and Rachel Heller in their book “Attached,” offers profound insights into the dynamics of how we connect with romantic partners. This blog post highlights the key concepts of attachment and explores how understanding our attachment styles can transform the way we navigate relationships. Attachment Theory: Foundations of Connection…

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Seven Signs of Childhood Trauma

Identifying the signs of childhood trauma is the initial step that opens a path to empathy and intervention. Whether these indicators manifest in yourself or someone you care about, it is essential to extend empathy and consider professional help. The following 7 signs can be helpful to explore if you suspect you are experiencing symptoms…

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