Connection vs Social Isolation

Most of us have heard that we are a social species. What does this really mean, and how does it affect us and our mental health in the long run? Should building stronger and healthier relationships with our loved ones and our peers be as high a priority as our careers, gym goals, and independence…

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Nurturing Positive Relationships With Friends

The importance of having positive friendships in your life cannot be overstated. Healthy friendships can help you feel happier and more self-confident, reduce your stress levels, and prevent you from feeling lonely or isolated. When times are good, friends can help you celebrate. And when times are bad, they can help pick you up and…

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Nurturing Positive Relationships

No matter how independent you may be, it’s still important to build healthy relationships with your immediate and extended family members, friends, and coworkers. Research suggests that when we foster connections with those around us, it can: Improve our self-esteem Make us more cooperative, empathetic, and trusting Strengthen our immune systems Extend our lives Reduce…

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How to Know You’re Dealing with a Narcissist

We all believe we know what narcissism looks like. After all, aren’t a majority of politicians and Hollywood A-listers narcissists, projecting their massive egos onto the world?  While that may be true, narcissists come in all shapes and sizes. They walk among us, some of them obvious, and some of them covert.  So how can…

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The Powerful Benefits of Forgiveness

There is a very old saying that says, “Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.” This is a warning to people to not act out in anger or resentment because you only end up harming yourself. Over time, these feelings of resentment can build until the individual develops feelings of depression or anxiety.…

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